What to Expect During Your Mediumship Reading
I use evidence-based mediumship to connect with your departed loved ones on the other side to deliver messages of healing to help provide closure, guidance, and clarity. All Mediums are different in how they interpret spirit and what modals they use to communicate with spirit. While there is no right or wrong way to communicate with spirit, I have found that if you tell spirit how to communicate with you, they tend to follow direction!
Keeping an open mind is essential when receiving a mediumship reading. Readings are not intended to be considered as a substitute for professional advice in legal, medical, financial, or psychological matters, and the client is solely responsible for their decisions based on the information received. All information received is subject to interpretation and personal perspective. I am only human and may misinterpret information I receive. Please do not prematurely divulge any identifying information of your loved one or any information that could be used to naturally validate the connection to your loved ones' spirit.
What is Mediumship?
Mediumship is the practice of connecting to spirit on the other side to deliver healing messages from departed loved ones via 'Clair' senses such as:
Clairsentience: the ability to sense or feel information about people, places, or objects on an emotional or energetic level.
Clairalience: the ability to smell odors that do not have a physical source.
Clairaudience: the ability to hear voices
Clairvoyance: the ability to see images. (Can include precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing)
Claircongnizance: the ability to know or sense something beyond time, space, or reason.